with whom I have a very close r’ship. Nothing chic-er than taking your worn-in leather boots to be re-soled! Look after your things and they’ll look after you.
Jan 11, 2024

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Very cool to me that this is a centuries old trade untouched by technology and whenever I go it feels quite charming. These dudes work magic every time, it’s awesome. Do not buy new shoes, let the cobbler save the old! Up next: going to the tailor.
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Yes, it’s 5 hours without an intermission. I saw it in Melbourne in 2013 and went back to see it again in the same run. It’s been over 10 years (wowwie!) and I can’t think of another piece of art that has imprinted on my imagination the way that performance did. I was also eighteen years old and green and wide-eyed! What a time that was.
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❣️Ins  Boring meals/leftovers delight (less time fussing over the stove)  Underwire bras Yuzu-flavoured everything Jewellery with a history  Dark painted interiors  Bare nails (preferably bitten, shows character)  Self-publishing  Re-reading books you love and ignoring TBR lists On that note, not reading books you’re “supposed to” have read Too many coffees (we’ve been playing it too safe, people. Let your heart remind you it exists, like a pitter patter of rain inside your chest.) 🗑️Outs  Kitten heels Long manicures  Natural deodorant  Linen sheets (cotton percale all day)  Wolf cuts  Pay-in-4 - it’s a money trap, friends. Save your coins! By the time you’ve saved up the $, you might not want it. Dogs with backpacks (smelling treats but not being able to access them is a special kind of torture) Carrying everything you need (then you miss out on the beauty of that spontaneous Duane Reade trip where you leave with mint-flavoured toothpicks and a bag of gummies! What were you there for again??)
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I have to start off this recommendation with an apology, as for all your Northern Hemisphere-based folks wont be able to find this easily as I stock up when I go home to Australia. BUT, in all my years of hunting for the perfect white t-shirt that hangs just right, I have found my holy grail. Specifically, the Boody men’s crew neck t-shirt (NOT the new “classic” which is mostly viscose, ew), bit the original which is 95% bamboo. I buy them in a Small and they are the perfect oversized t-shirt. Buttery soft, expensive-looking and, most importantly, stay looking fresh after they’ve tumbled about in a washing machine. I’m hoarding a few!
Jan 1, 2024