I turned this thin blue line flag on a hoodie into an epic airbrush lens flare and so could you
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Jan 12, 2024

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Great backstory, sustainable for the environment etc etc. I found a LIFE tshirt this way, and I love wearing it so so much.
Apr 17, 2024
Clothing made by local artists on recycled/thrifted threads with cool screen printed graphics is the drippiest shit. AND it’s good for the environment. Like WHATTTTT???
Dec 30, 2023
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I don't know if other people did this, but during the 2020 quarantine (and in the subsequent years when we didn't see many people) I stopped wearing my "cool" t-shirts. The ones with art prints on them, my favorite band tees, etc. Subconsciously, I figured, "If nobody is going to be able to see or appreciate them, why wear them out? I might as well wait until we start socializing again." So instead of those, I mainly wore a bunch of plain white t-shirts. One in particular fell apart more quickly than the rest. The neck started stretching out and fraying and a couple of pinholes opened up on the front. Food stains accumulated from countless meals we cooked over the past few years... It slowly became a beautiful dissolving tapestry. Now I find myself gravitating toward that particular ratty shirt because it has become a symbol of perseverance through an unfathomable time. Since I started wearing it, a pandemic happened, I became a dad, loved ones were lost, new friends were made, a boat got stuck in the Suez Canal, I made a significant body of artwork, we watched the Sopranos for the first time, jobs changed, we watched Community for the 4th time, and I witnessed the best and the worst of humanity at extremes that I had never witnessed in my life prior. Anyway, I think it's made by Hanes. Sad Update: The shirt may have ended up in the throwaway pile during a recent drawer clean out. A lesson in the consequences of becoming attached to worldly possessions, the impermanence of everything, entropy, et al. Pictured instead are two other surviving shirts from the same multi-pack. They have both lived equally storied lives, so they deserve to be held in the same regard and shall also be worn until ragged!
Apr 9, 2024

Top Recs from @noor

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During peak Covid brain rot my home town of newton Massachusetts had a controversy over the similarity between the thin red line flag (for firefighter support) and the thin blue line flag. To solve this they hired the guy who does the flags for all the warlord dictator dudes to come up with a new flag for fire fighter support. I guess my recommendation here is to design more shitty flags cause they are pretty funny.
Jan 15, 2024