if you’re like me and have trouble getting yourself to read, try borrowing a book from your friend. you’ll feel anxious about getting it back in a timely fashion and will be more likely to actually read it. it’s also a nice way to bond with buds!!
Jan 17, 2024

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my friend and I started a very informal “book club” of sorts a couple months ago wherein we just get together every weekend and dedicate an hour or two to reading our respective books together. it rocks! you don’t have to commit to reading the same thing but you do have to commit to reading something, which is always good and fun and enriching.
Feb 2, 2024
so nice finishing something or having a friend finish something and then swapping that book. sharing things with your loved ones? making memories tactile? it's nice! (some that I've given or received that I've loved as of late: why fish don't exist - lulu miller, clarice lispector - an apprenticeship, how to do nothing - jenny odell, stay true - hua hsu)
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with a small group of friends (2 or 3, even 1!) who have the same taste as you in books, movies, media, etc. I do this with 2 close friends so we all agree on what to read pretty easily. We naturally just tackle “hard” classics or books in the zeitgeist and then we have a meeting at the end to discuss. The pressure of being the friend who didn’t finish the book motivates me lol because the analytic discussion needs you for it to flow!! Also allows for flexible end dates if you level with close friends and go “listen…..I didnt finish in time.…..okay………” It def can be done casually and adjust to your lives. Tbh I can’t imagine a time in my life where my friends and i aren’t tackling books together! Truly nothing is better than reading something and talking it out, seeing different perspectives on it! And it gets you into the swing of reading regularly
Oct 21, 2024

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