whether you smoke or not, they are just a cool thing. bring a vintage lighter on a night out on the town. little touch of class. someone needs a light? conversation piece. in an age of disposable lighters it is a nice change of pace to pull out a piece of jewelry as your lighter. got one of these guys for tyler so we can cosplay as italian mobsters at a night club in 1980. pic related.
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Jan 17, 2024

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it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that everyone in my age group is carrying lighters around because cigarettes are back in. i don't smoke, but i figured you can always use a lighter on you anyway, just in case someone else needs one. everyone that steps outside to smoke at functions is always hot & cool-looking, so my secret plan is to make myself useful to them by offering a light. (i am a little too excited about this and it may take months for anyone to even ask me if i have a light and the payoff will last for 5 seconds but i will be cheering inside.) plus i can use mine to light my incense at home. i got this one for $6 from a vending machine at a college bar and the flame is GREEN
Apr 18, 2024
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if you have any respect for yourself you will not walk around with a bic lighter or some shit from the gas station. I need more young people to invest 1000 dollars into these pointless cigar lighters. If you are serious about blasting cigs or Cigars this is for you. Also they make a really cute ping sound when you flick it open.
Feb 7, 2024
serves as a visual cue for people on the street looking for a lighter. you never know who might meet and strike up a conversation. be smart abt it obv. & don't forget your lighter.
May 26, 2024

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