It never gets old, but eventually they will
Jan 19, 2024

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instead i like to think “damn kid go off, do that while you can” or, “me too buddy, me too”. it’s only such a short time in ur life when u can go out into the world and scream and cry and wail when you feel so moved. and good for them! i miss those days sometimes, and none of this stimuli is even new to me anymore. anyway, they certainly don’t know much better, and crying babies are an inevitability of life, so how could i be bothered? parents have enough to worry about without grown people being babies about their babies
Feb 3, 2024
if an asshole is someone who throws a temper tantrum on the regular and who treats your interactions transactionally babies and even cute old people qualify. there is something to be said for a seeming loss of trust (from the knocks of life experience), openness (the degree of this depends on childrearing and epigenetics) and innocence (as magical thinking is replaced be logic-learnings). Fight your internal urge to prejudge, force yourself to engage new experiences and people outside your tribe, age, demographic and your world will truly stay magical:)
Feb 8, 2024