it keeps me calm for the most part and i like showing my friends the new things i am working on
Jan 21, 2024

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i haven't made a lot of music in 2024 so far. i've spent a month interstate and another month counting the days until i got put on the payroll again. however, i've finally finished a proper track of mine in my usual way. i haven't even played songs my main synth, really, with the exception of an open mic i did the other week. it was really cool because i met a lot of like minded people who were all brilliant in a different way. they loved my songs even if that was the first time i touched my synth all year, so my playing wasn't too good. but open mics aren't about playing good.  i have also been messing around with DAWs and programming my own VSTs... FL studio is where it's at with DAWs. really really fun to make a song and get it done. my boyfriend has been a huge helper with it, i love making songs for him to slow and reverb as part of his music. i made a song just for him to do that on valentines day <3 programming VSTs is really cool too. ive always been interested in making synths, but there are many many roadblocks with hardware synths... i approve of free software even if there's really big drawbacks to it. like weird undocumented stuff that comes to bite you on the ass. i recorded a song properly today, which i havent done in quite a while. it's quite fun, i miss working with my digital recorder. for me, everything with hardware like that Just Works. one of my cables broke but ive managed to bend it back in shape and it works(tm) for now. awesome 😎
Feb 16, 2024
I’m still early on making music — but this is it: I️ played like drums in middle school and then fell out of like “performing“ until adulthood when I️ decided to start DJ-ing. I️ loved that so much I️ was like I️ feel like I️ can make my own things like 6 months ago and I’ve just been making small shitty 2 minute things for myself every day. For me it’s kinda meditative? Like usually no one hears the songs I am making (besides my partner) but it’s really just for me. No clue if any of them will ever reach a record or be on Spotify, but I️ feel like it’s making me greater appreciate music in general.
May 4, 2024
I have been writing as a form of self expression and it seems like they are piling up without being produced. I feel like I want to change that this year and focus on producing and putting stuff out there. Art is meant to be shared.
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