Want to mystify your own life? Start writing down your dreams. I started a dream journal during the Covid-19 pandemic and I really recommend it.
I started my dream journal because I wanted a record of my dreams that I could consult. I often get the feeling that I dream about things I've dreamt of before, sometimes they feel like continuations of old dreams, or they exist in the same plane, or they are very similar to other ones I've had.
It's not a high maintenance thing at all, I am TERRIBLE at keeping normal journals cause I forget. But a dream journal is perfect. You write down only the dreams you remember or make an impact on you. Months go by without me writing anything in there. Once in a while I pick it up thinking I've only written 5 dreams in there only to find out I hhave forgotten about loads other dreams I recorded in there. I always leave space after each entry so I can go back months later and add notes.
Your dream journal could even be on PI.FYI! I'm thinking of writing some of mine on here. I would love to snoop other people's dreams... e.e