this show deconstructs so many tropes and lenses in which we see ourselves in an increasing online world. emma stone is amazing, along with nathan fielder and benny safdie.
If you haven't seen it already, "The Curse" with Nathan Fielder, Emma Stone, and Benny Safdie is absolutely brilliant. It's one of my most bizarre, difficult, and uncomfortable watches, but I highly recommend checking it out.
the sopranos
hannibal (i’m surprised no one has listed this yet!)
some runner ups lol: broad city, andor, fantasmas, the haunting of hill house, always sunny, what we do in the shadows, queen’s gambit
“An artist cannot speak about his art anymore than a plant can discuss horticulture.”
“Listen carefully to first criticisms made of your work. Note just what it is about your work that critics don't like - then cultivate it. That's the only part of your work that's individual and worth keeping.”
“Living is a horizontal fall.”
“Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time”
“Art is science made clear.”
“Mirrors should think longer before they reflect.”
Depends on the theatre
At new bev, I need to be very front row
At Los Feliz 3, second to last/middle or very back
Honestly tall people should not be allowed to sit in first few rows and hats should be forbidden