In this country, all men are made equal before The Court. The Court. What a beautiful idea. Where a nobility gathers. Where a competition is formalized, sanctified, & made into sport. To Serve someone, to Summon someone before The Court. Where man is Judged, and blinded goddess Justice reveals herself.
If you look at me wrong, I will be pursuing legal action. You’ll be speaking with my lawyer. You’ll be speaking with my lawyer’s lawyer. I’m badly injured & and I’m wearing a neck brace right now as I type this. This is your fault. How are you going to make me whole again? I seek restitution. I seek retribution. BANG BANG BANG. The Judge has come to a decision. You’re going to Gaol for 5 MILLION YEARS. And I will be collecting a dollar a year in perpetuity, per annum, ad infinitum.