2023 was the year I discovered the power of baths. I started doing salt soaks to help my legs recover from long runs / speed workouts while training for a marathon and quickly got hooked. I've run a couple long distance races but I found I had to be much more mindful of rest and recovery this round and adding baths to my routine helped immensely. But I also found baths offered a moment of stillness I rarely make time for. With a tall glass of iced water by my side, I be quiet for 20 min.
Jan 22, 2024

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Baths have been a major part of Indigenous healing work around the world forever. I started drawing epsom salt baths + herbs + rocks/crystals at home and it’s become elemental in my healing journey. When you’re in a bath you’ve lovingly made for yourself, it’s like returning to the womb. It’s also a fraction of the cost of those sensory deprivation chambers. I get my deepest cries in the bath and my most valuable moments of clarity. Foot baths are also awesome if you don’t have a bath and they are quick to clean up. I even successfully got my surfer boyfriend hooked on post-ocean footbaths.
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