Had a 3pm pour over iced coffee, with beans I had to grind by hand! mixed with simple syrup I made on the stove last night! Brewed with water I had to boil! nothing like sunday slowness <3
Jan 22, 2024

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sometimes being a coffee snob feels so good. making yourself a pourover at home instead of spending money at a cafe can be so special, something about taking the extra time and being meticulous with it feels really grounding
Feb 25, 2024
After a long year of mindlessly drinking pre-ground french press or instant (shame me) coffee, it felt like a tiring morning task to get me through the day. Recently my friend convinced me to put more love into making my morning cup of coffee. That means hand grinding and measuring my beans to make sure that I can make a consistently tasty cup every single time. It all started with this JavaPresse hand grinder for the beans, and an Aeropress coffee maker brewed using the inverted method for consistency. The difference in smell and taste is remarkable, and I don't think I'll ever settle for less. Sure it takes more time and effort, but it has become a healthy and refreshing self care routine to kick the day.
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favourite way to extract coffee. it takes a little longer, but it makes for a fun little morning ritual.
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Forgot to add this to my previous post, I guess I really like my non-socials haha, but also I am surprised I haven’t seen ppl mention it Notion: very helpful for organizing my life, both work and non-work, it is great for planning long-term projects or assignments, or birthdays and hobbies and budgeting. easy to use and fun when you really get the hang of things and use more features. if you have a student/school email, you get access to the premium-ish version. I’ve used my edu email for like 2 years now since graduating and I haven’t had any issues. Notion calendar: is a new separate, off-shoot app. I don’t use the phone app as much but the desktop app is 10/10. I’ve connected all my gmail calendars which makes managing everything all at once much easier than trying to connect them all through one Google/apple calendar. It looks cleaner and still sends reminders
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CHANI: love learning astrology in very informative, justice-mindful ways. It’s quiet because there’s no adding friends or anything, really just focused on what’s happening and how it might affect us or the world around us. i pay for a monthly subscription because I liked the content I was getting as a free user, and I find everything helpful. Libby: I love connecting all my library cards to the app bc it makes it easier to have access to books and magazines! :’) I can read them on my kindle, but also I’ve been using the audiobooks lately and they are great when driving around. i was nervous to try audiobooks but the “reading speed” adjustment is very exacting and easy to handle. <3
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…At some point when I meet new people! - evangelical teen (no longer!) - youth organizer 🫡 - from greater bahhhston - show choir kid 🎤💃🏻 but actually did not watch glee until after HS (see: first bullet) - this actually doesn’t always come up but I love remembering that I did the morning announcements at my high school lol! go hawks!
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