friend sent me this: & am reminded of when i read Walk Through Walls on the plane and suddenly wanted to throw myself against the cockpit door, naked, reciting my artist statement, engraving a pentacle on my stomach, whilst spitting pretzels at my audience (passengers) as they silently applauded my minimalist engagement of the psyche. this is all to say i highly recommend reading her memoir.
Jan 22, 2024

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A widowed mother in her forties goes on a trip to a cabin in the Austrian mountains and wakes up one morning to find that she is trapped there by an invisible dome. She is alone, save for a few animals who are the other characters in the story. Everything outside of the dome is dead, their corpses frozen in the positions in which they suddenly passed. A coffee cup halfway to their lips, dogs curled at their feet. The book is written as a log of her years in the dome, on the final pieces of paper she can find in her cabin. The result is an extended soliloquy that jumps between the past and present to account a life shed of time and societal expectation and instead ruled by the rhythms of nature and the necessity to care for herself and her animal companions.  I read it this year, have already done a reread, and I still want to read it again after typing this out! It’s surrealism lite and an ecofeminist meditation on death, isolation, memory, and the nature of reality. Can’t recommend it enough! “But if time exists only in my head, and I'm the last human being, it will end with my death. The thought cheers me. I may be in a position to murder time. The big net will tear and fall, with its sad contents, into oblivion. I'm owed some gratitude, but no one after my death will know I murdered time. Really these thoughts are quite meaningless. Things happen, and, like millions of people before me, I look for meaning in them, because my vanity will not allow me to admit that the whole meaning of an event lies in the event itself.” 
PLS READ autobiography of red. i want every page imprinted onto my brain.
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Cat Marnell writes like no other!!!! My favorite memoir
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just went to a brooklyn nets game and sat in the nosebleeds—it was postmodern experience. you see the whole court and all the tiny heads below and you feel big, like god, watching down on them. feels like the end of the movie when they zoom out and break the fourth wall, but it’s for the entire game. highly recommend. plus, tyra banks was there, sandwiched between two furries—very postmodern.
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it’s like free associative brain illuminations. i feel like rimbaud, taking my little notes when there’s a good movie on the tv. i’m like superman. i take my little notes and i dont care how they look because you flip over the page and you never have to look at it again. it’s like throwing a page in your laundry basket, you don’t have to look at it until it’s laundry day and you're sorting them into lights and darks and occasionally you see a little doodle and you’re reminded of god and poptarts and suddenly act one makes sense again.
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i thought of the name as i was knitting a beanie & now i’m motivated to be a small business owner. does anyone want to get in on the ground floor?
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