beautifully warped and crinkles at the slightest touch. perfect companion to the sense of accomplishment in filling a physical page with thoughts and ideas
so many that it splits open again and again. and when everything falls out you get to look through everything 1 by 1 as u pick each scrap up and place it lovingly back in its delicate home, and tenderly tape the door closed
Fuck your notes app and get a cute journal that you can stick stickers onto and carry around as your pride and joy. I love when I write a particularly good song or poem and I can look down at the words in my own handwriting because I did that! And it’s tangible! And I can hold it and feel proud!
one of those meaningless things that people say but don’t actually mean… let me let the stupid questions flow without you staring at me like that, I’m just trying to learn!
feels like rediscovering the song all over again. or like the song's cool but cool in a different way twin.
ex can't hardly wait by justin townes earle or farewell transmission by waxahatchee and kevin morby