i’m indebted to this music blog for exposing me to so much good stuff that’s otherwise not available on streaming or really hard to find. there’s a couple sites out there that make me feel like i’m doing some digital crate-digging and this one of them. insane collection of 70s-90s japanese music especially, but they cover a lot of obscure zones
Jan 23, 2024

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I love this site and have found some really cool stuff this way. It hasn't been updated recently because the owner of the site got fired from Spotify but it still has a lot of awesome stuff on it. Basically it lists all the microgenres into which Spotify groups artists. You can find some really obscure and interesting ones this way.
Apr 17, 2024
Great site for when you're going through a music rut. I've found some of my favorite flute rock on here. Didn't even realize that was a thing before I dug around on there.
whenever i hear a song i like i always look it up on this website and probably 80% of the time it leads to me discovering even more really cool music i most likely wouldn't have looked into or found otherwise a recent example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zl_fWNhPPM&pp=ygUYanVsaWEgbGFuZyB3ZXN0c2lkZSBndW5u and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qONW-2EhDbo&pp=ygUVZGltYW5jaGUgc29pciBqdWRpcXVl

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