when you make a decision you’ll never know what the alternative outcome would have been like. you can make it up in your head but there’s no logical way to actually know. so just make a decision and have confidence that it was the right one and if for some reason it’s not, you have no reason to believe the other outcome would have been any better or worse. regret is a wasted emotion for that reason.
i big big big hate making decisions and stress that whatever i pick will be the wrong choice, but i have found that the more i decide internally to just commit to whichever choice, i try to let go and let the universe take it from there. until time travel is invented, no one can go back in time and change their decisions so there is no point in considering what another option would have been like. it's just an exercise in misery that is best avoided. do what feels good and don't look back.
I’m a musician who is totally burned out on self-promotion culture & so far, this website has felt like a reprieve from that. I would like for this to remain a place for sincere appreciation, not promotion
Someone else rec'd Jon Brion's music. That reminded me of this unaired pilot to his potential music TV show, starring Elliott Smith. Beautiful, stripped down versions of songs from Figure 8, XO, & some great covers.