The ultimate get-off-your-ass creative manual. It's SO GOOD and SO INSPIRING and I have demanded people's address at bars many times and ordered a copy for them on the spot. Plus reading about doing the work is a lot easier than doing the work (and still counts as work).
kind of corny but still good wisdom. it's about battling the internal resistance to doing your work. i used to re-read it as a form of resistance, actually
Reminded of this book today. It was instumental in helping me take writing seriously. The concept of personifying all our little self-sabotaging acts as an antagonistic entity called Resistance was so useful. Ironically, I don't remember finishing the book. But I did finish my first screenplay.
Worth revisiting.
I have no idea if this is similar. I have The Creative Act but haven't read it yet.
But this book, and all the others in the series, like Turning Pro, are fantastic for any writer, artist, creator, forward-living human.
Ugh, a little ~good vibes only~ , I know, and I realize this is, like, the vegetables of gossip, but I'm so into gushing about how much I love someone to someone else when they aren't there. That's positive energy, baby! RIDE THAT WAVE.