This one’s new for me but I’ve started making my own planner and only writing three days at a time, making key things that I absolutely have to get done. It makes bigger projects feels a little smaller and I can figure out every three days what I want to prioritize. (next two days censored for my privacy 😅)
in the past i have been bad about keeping a schedule, so days off/holidays sneak up on me and it is hard to plan ahead. last year i committed to using a paper planner and it has been really nice to see the week/month ahead and also to be able to look back. sort of functions as a low-pressure scrapbook. i use one from marjolein delhaas. i have the orange but there are other colors.
I schedule stuff in my phone but I use my physical planner to write out what I actually did every day. it’s awesome and nice to reflect on all the weird stuff that I didnt mean to do. I also write what media i consumed and what memes or cultural stuff seems important on a given day because when I look back I’m always like oh ya i Forgot about that