Jan 23, 2024

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I can never talk enough about Mary Lattimore's music. She's such a genius, and her vision and artistry is everything. She's been the soundtrack to my life since around 2015. I remember discovering her when I was on holiday in Rome and it was just so fitting. I've been returning to her music every now and again, and I’m always surprised with how she can make me feel so in touch with my humanity.  Recently, I've been listening to her  2016 album, Music Inspired, by Philip Garrel’s La Révélateur and it's just haunting. 
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the sound: new classical? almost like a harpist went and covered songs by sufjan, cassandra jenkins, and beach house all wrapped into one–but making them wholly original. harpist Mary Lattimore creates some of the best relaxation music that I have ever heard. this music has the power to heal, the power to recall the most nostalgic memories, and the power to induce trances. also just look at her album artwork by Becky Suss...
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