One of my favorite bands. I used to piss my girlfriend off by saying that they were the only real punk band that ever existed. Grazhdanskaya Oborona (or G.R.O.B.) were a perestroika era punk band from the Siberian scene. They initially circulated their "silly little songs" as samizdat. That is, until the frontman Egor Letov got abducted by the KGB. They conducted shock therapy/torture on him, forced him to take anti psychotic drugs, basically hit him with soviet MKULTRA. They wanted to lobotomize him. Instead, he only grew more acerbic, more aggressive, more raw. A lot of crazy stuff surrounding this band. In addition to Letov's experience, there's the famous story of the fate of Yanka. She'll get her own rec & post. But for now, check out G.R.O.B.