earnest endorsement that may seem simple or lame but is actually lowkey powerful…when you rely on the internet or worse, “”medical professionals”” for information, you lose context, clarity, personalization, and possibly become a victim of profit. my friends have more quickly and meaningfully identified ailments (and treatments) than WebMd ever could. they’re the best sounding board to walk you back from the proverbial ledge if you’re prone to suggestion and watched a TikTok that convinced you that you have to start taking L-Glutamine or whatever
Jan 23, 2024

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Drs/medical professionals have seen it allll u don’t need to try present a certain image of yourself to avoid judgement. They also don’t have moral superiority over you so if they do judge you, so what, it’s no different to some random doing the same. (Also there are plenty who will be more understanding so if it’s poss u could try find another if u don’t feel respected) Also this extends to not avoiding appointments because you haven’t listened to their instructions (eg do sleep hygiene, flossing, exercises). They need to know! You two should be a team with the same goal, so if you have different priorities re your health, or if there are barriers to improving your health, it‘s important and valuable to talk it through together.
Jan 24, 2024
Please refrain from WebMD or, god forbid, some AI agent. Do your little google and look for result from Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, etc. Any medical university or national health department (maybe) should do. You'll find the information you are looking for with the proper context.
Feb 18, 2025

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