It's fun to talk about a thing and see if the person you're with has any knowledge about it before you automatically search it. Boomers often don't even conceive of bringing their questions to the internet, and most younger people do the exact opposite. It's nice to strike a balance and still have conversations.
Sometimes the fun of a disagreement or pondering information isn’t in knowing the answer but in yapping about what you think and comparing opinions! Did this today with when the word skedaddle was first used.
i’ve been really into not googling something i don’t need to know the answer to immediately and just wondering about it instead. you’d be surprised how many answers you can find in yourself!!
At the risk of sounding like a crusty old codger, it's a bad development that lots of people nowadays talk at full volume and can't get off their phones in the theater. However laughing, crying, and shrieking–these are actually good.