Talking so much in a discussion based course because you’re deeply excited/passionate/interested in the topic/class for a change that you can’t not disperse every profound thought that pops into your head. But then you make several points when you get the floor because your brain moves so fast and you have so many thoughts and when will you get the floor again and will it still be relevant? So you kind of talk too long or so it seems when you reflect upon it later? Talking so much that you think later wow I talk too much. This bitch couldn’t shut up if you put a ball gag in her mouth… and you ruminate over this after every class but then comfort yourself by remembering you’re a smart girl with opinions that deserve to be shared and so what if you take up space and you’re a woman…. You should. And you’re a Gemini. It’s in your physical DNA. What else are you to do but embrace your ability to ever shut the fuck up in class, while watching a movie, when chatting with a friend or coworker and otherwise and so forth.