There was a time when dessert innovations just made sense (Dippin' Dots be damned). Some people view frozen custard as ice cream's plain midwestern cousin, but it packs a real punch—dense and rich with a heavy mouthfeel, it's an ultra-dairy antidote for the alt milk era. You can even turn it upside down without consequence.
Jan 23, 2024

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Not together. However they are both things you likely ate as a child and maybe from time to time you wonder if they still hit the same as they did back then. They do.
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I start kicking my feet at the thought of tasting such a delicious spoonful. Snow ice cream is such a quick and enjoyable sweet treat. Here's how to get started! First you'll need to gather snow, condensed milk, and vanilla extract. Here are the steps: 1. place a bowl outside on a high surface (on top of a vehicle is perfect) BE SURE TO CHECK ON BOWL PERIODICALLY TO MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T BLOW AWAY 2. Let the snow fall until the bowl is full (it's important that you don't scoop snow off of the ground that's kind of dirty) 3. Quickly (the snow melts very fast) bring the bowl inside and pour a can of condensed milk into the snow 4. Mix 5. Add in 4-5 decent drops of vanilla extract 6. Mix 7. Enjoy!
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