I started taking the bus to work and I love it. the quality depends on the city, but I love that it’s cheap, fast, and better for the environment. And I don’t have to focus on the road. I can do whatever I want for 10 minutes 😍
i love being chauffeured around the city in buses and trains! i love spending my commute reading or writing in my phone. i love getting to know the quirks and styling habits of the people who take same the train i take. i love walking!! i love complaining about the weather when it makes walks miserable! i like looking at my step counter on my phone and knowing that i hit 10k steps every day without even trying. public transit makes me feel like i own the world. i see people in their cars and they seem pathetic, losers who can’t navigate their city without trapping themselves a 4k pound hunk of metal. what princesses. could NOT be me!