an almost tauntingly great movie
Jan 24, 2024

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Everyone has a really nice face and even more psychosexual baggage.
Sep 28, 2024
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made in the late 90's pls watch it theres a scene where the suspected murderer is in this girls room at her house and they are recording for her "school project" (her cover to get information out of him) she is obviously very nervous and he knows this and takes enjoyment out if it in the beginning he asks her what color are his eyes and she lies and says she does know later he has her sit on the bed and then say some lines for the project, he then decides to move closer to her on the bed and she clearly does not want this as she is scared and he makes a game out of it and decided every time she says a word (cause she frequently talks back) he will move 1 inch closer to her. So 5 words- 5 inches. the TENSION from this scene-immaculate it was both terrifying and hawt and when they get CLOSE like FACE TO FACE he says "if you say one more word we'll collide..." i absolutely screamed
May 24, 2024

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