i can only go as a guest but when i’m there, i’m family. i love airport bars but have realized i spend enough money (drunk on planes hive rise up) to afford lounge access of my own. this situation is developing.
Jan 24, 2024

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I love airports because they bring two of my favorite things together under one roof: people watching and “liminal spaces.” The lounge access is also a plus, though they really do be letting anyone in these days.
Aug 23, 2022
I finally got a credit card with lounge access after being scared of the high annual fees for so long. Let me tell you this is a game changer. You get to go to a special room and have free unlimited food! It’s quiet and there’s nice music playing. Free booze too. Coffee. Juice. I had a cappuccino, orange juice, and yogurt parfait (it was gluten free!) in Dublin this morning and it’s making my day so much better.
Mar 4, 2024
Anika and Bryson went to the Jet Blue Lounge (bar) after missing their flight to LA. They had such a blast I thought, heck I wanna go! I’m always looking for my next local haunt. So I went down to LAX and parked my car in overnight parking which costs $150/hour and walked up to the Jet Blue help window and said, “I’d like to go to the Jet Blue Lounge (bar), please” and they said, “do you have a plane ticket?” And I said, “no, I just wanted to chill in the lounge” and they said, “ma’am, you can’t go past security without a boarding pass” so I asked them what the cheapest plane ticket was and they said that considering the price of fuel due to some international conflict, all tickets are very expensive so I asked, “well what is the *cheapest*” and they said, “Oaxaca or Boise” so I bought a ticket to Oaxaca. Then I waited 45 minutes at TSA where they threw away my Aesop deodorant because it was over 3.5 oz and went to the Jet Blue Lounge where I ordered a $27 martini and then I flew to Mexico.
Jul 26, 2022

Top Recs from @cameron

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manifesto forthcoming. i hear time and time again - “i’m not a birthday person.” as a convert, i’m here to challenge that limiting belief. not unlike new year‘s eve, getting your hopes up for a single night is futile. thus, i have the following advice: -embrace birthday week    month is a little much, even for me, but allow the week to be birthday-centric. this doesn’t have to be sunday to sunday; it can  consist of any of the surrounding days that feel relevant to THE day -multiple experiences   much like new year’s eve, hanging your hat on one night is doomed. thus, i recommend that you implement ALL (not some) of the following: INTIMATE DINNER +with partner, family, a couple of friends. something that feels low key and non stressful. great for a thursday or sunday night. let them know ahead of time (if they need reminding) that you would like a candle of some sort on a house dessert (is this too bossy?? NO! you’d do the same for the ones you love. next). (i also get desserts with candles the whole month, unabashedly. and do the same for loved ones.) SOLO DAY +plan things for yourself: solo lunch, matinee, massage. buy a fancy latte. take a cab. spare no expense; today you turn off the switch in your head that wonders if it’s worth it because it is. FRIEND DAY +have people over, meet at a bar, or throw a full on party. this is group time. i honestly recommend doing this one last. you’ll likely have enough fun with the other two events that this will feel like a cherry on top. ask your type A friend to help plan, if you need help, and remind them again ab some sort of treat w canes. this doesn’t have to be a blowout! tell everyone to bring whomever, +1s, enemies as it’s more-the-merrier vibes. tl;dr everyone deserves to be celebrated and there are people in your life eager to help you make it happen. ask for what you want. do the same for them down the line ❤️ ps my birthday is 3/17 if you need to start preparing pps bonus tip - pic is of last year’s birthday outfit. i also like to throw a very easy mini theme to get people thinking ahead of time (i said to wear silk, leather, or mesh. everybody looked hot) ppps i have so much more to say ab this, lmk if you want more 
Feb 3, 2024
i know this app is for positivity but being a hater in a healthy way is important check in on annoying influencers every now and then and be like ugh i can’t believe she posted that as if it were an ex-friend if this gets negative feedback, forget i said anything
Feb 8, 2024
inconvenient? yes. humbling and harkening back to another time? absolutely
Feb 16, 2024