Auto-sensory stimulation for anxious moments, a good reason not to make eye contact, on-the-go manicuring, just one more bite—what could be better?
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Jan 24, 2024

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I’ve since relapsed —but as a compulsive nail biter my entire life, I got my first manicure this past winter and for the first time in my life my nails looked presentable. the clear polish is nice like a worry stone for me, satisfying the same urge that biting did—it’s a nice thing to do for yourself every 3 weeks or so I’ve discovered.
Jun 8, 2023
I am always so thankful to have a little metal nail file with me wherever I go. I used to be a chronic nail biter. One chipped fingernail would send me into a frenzy, and I would have to nibble away at what was left until the nail felt even. This would inevitably result in me biting the rest of my nails too. I know at least one of you can relate!? Carrying a nail file helps me avoid slipping up and chewing all of my nails to the quick. Sometimes I worry that it’s rude to be like filing away at my nails in public? But I also don’t care and even think it’s kind of sassy.
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a breathtaking work of experimental modernism, and probably woolf’s greatest masterpiece. the text follows six children as they stumble through life, grow up, grow apart, and grieve a dead friend. written in a nauseous stream of consciousness that blurs each character into the next in an attempt to break down the walls between the inner world and the world of the other. the most successful meditation on big existential questions—death, love, grief, and the impossibility (and harrowing importance) of unfiltered connection—i’ve ever encountered. really hard to describe this one without minimizing it. i recommend reading it in as few sittings as possible to get the full effect.
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