literally so much better than streaming, its just as portable but it feels like a true personal collection, its way more whole, u can find more music, also not dependent on internet access or algorithms
Jan 24, 2024

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if u wanna get serious start collecting everything in .flac
Jan 24, 2024
milkbags to be honest i am not very particular about the audio quality, but if i can buy on bandcamp i will do that, otherwise slsk
Jan 24, 2024
how does one download good quality mp3 files in 2024
Jan 24, 2024

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having music on a separate device, maybe even offline is so comfortable. never need wifi or 4G to listen to music, no space taken up on your phone, and just keeping it all to 1 device so u wont be bothered by notifications is great. highly recommend this one
Feb 24, 2024
i refused to use streaming services at all for a long time because i wanted a sense of ownership over my music library (even if in a nebulous digital kinda way) & i would say it’s great for so many reasons , it’s slightly more inconvenient but it’s honestly pretty easy to just download music from bandcamp/rip from cds/torrenting sites & manually put it into your phone from itunes. you get to think a bit more about what you’re putting in your library (or from your library into your phone) but you also get to hold onto things in a certain version & protect your archive from the whims of streaming services & copyright claims .
Jul 29, 2024
gonna echo some other folks by saying local file storage is the best. you can go the soulseek or bandcamp route, but I'm also an advocate for ripping from soundcloud and other sites when necessary. having files to work with gives you so much more control over your library in terms of where you source music from (streaming platform exclusivity is the worst), how you sort it (METADATA RULES LET ME CHANGE THEM ID3S BAYBEE), and how you consume it. my system is a master itunes library that i've maintained for like 15 years now that I prune every so often as my tastes change and I offload things I don't listen to anymore. I also don't have access to all of it all the time since I only sync certain playlists to my phone, which forces me to self curate and decide what to add to my library, what to sync and take with me for daily listening, and what to delete. I love moments where I can sit down, cash out on a bandcamp cart, arrange them in my library by genre and decade and such, and then serve it up for shuffling in the car later. music consumption was at its peak when libraries were like spreadsheets, the only trappings i want with my music is itunes visualizer (RIP 😢)
Jul 30, 2024

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i have my dream job, live in my dream city, love my friends, love my wardrobe, love my apartment... sometimes the bliss hits me all at once. i have so much to be grateful for!! :'3
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working with children has made this a permanent part of my daily vocabulary but honestly it feels good!!!
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