It's Saturday morning. You've been awake for 35 minutes, and after a bowl of müsli and a cup of coffee, you're falling asleep on the second page of your book? It's never too early for a siesta.
Jan 24, 2024

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All naps are not made equal. The Friday afternoon nap is the most powerful nap ever invented and should be mandatory for everyone. There’s like a 75% chance you wake up and have no idea who or where you are, but I promise it’s the lil boost you need to head into a lovely weekend. 20 mins minimum. Bonus points if you’re still on the clock.
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After a lifetime of insomnia and bad quality sleep, hitting middle age every day like "time for a siesta" and MEANING it
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My fool-proof technique for squeezing in a little midday shut-eye. Requires just three simple steps: 1) Drink a cup of coffee 2) Set a timer for 20 minutes 3) Snooze (ideally on the couch with a beloved pet) It works because, on average, it takes about 20 minutes for your sleep cycle to initiate, and 20 minutes for caffeine to hit your system. By pairing them together, you can snooze without disrupting your circadian rhythm. No grogginess.
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Sven had it on his list of post-retirement goals. We spent a weekend driving forklifts and got an appropriately ugly-but-official-looking license. I keep it in my wallet. Nothing ever taught me more about mindfulness than Frank the Instructor, with zero preparation, giving me the keys to the forklift and telling me to move some concrete blocks from some shaky shelves full of heavy items, with my fellow forklift-drivers-to-be a couple meters behind with no protection. It's been 1.5 years and I still receive random forklift toys from friends as gifts.
Jan 24, 2024
Give them to your friends, tell them to put them in a glass of water overnight. If they don't send you pictures of them the next morning, maybe they were never your friends?
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