But it’s College Dropout. I know I know and I agree that guy we don’t speak of is off his shit, but as a kid nothing had ever hit me like that. My mom and Dad played nothing but R&B, Gospel and Rock. My older brother loved Rap music but it was the typical early 2000s 50 cent, Jay Z etc. I still remember the first time I ever heard a Ye song. My older brother and Dad picked me up from school and my brother pulls out this cd. He always had the newest album and he asked my Dad and I “yo can I play this, it’s so good”. I saw the bear and the cover and proceeded to clown my brother. Who wants to listen to this? its a bear bro you crazy put that back in your pocket. He ignored me and popped it in the cd player First skit, funny. Made me laugh. Once We Don’t Care began to play I legit froze. Had NEVER heard something like that. For all the people who weren’t around at that time YE was for real different. We had never heard a rapper that was mainstream rapping about kinda normal shit. That was strictly underground rap territory and for it to be soul sampled out and really good and not overly preachy and lame. It changed my view of what rap could be. I was obsessed with researching every producer on the album every sample every feature. It was just the first album I loved and obsessed over. Hate that bro is just beyond redemption because he really opened my eyes to where music could go