I can't imagine how many coffee reccs you must have received here, but I'm going to add mine anyway. I first heard of cardamom in coffee as an Arabic thing that I got into because it's delicious. Later, I learned ayurveda also recommends it as a way to "cool" coffee's hot pitta qualities. This plays out for me when I feel my anxiety is up (and coffee can exacerbate that); adding ground cardamom pods completely balances out any sense of jitteriness or high strung-ness. I use Burlap and Barrel's. The way I think about it is like how green tea has l-theanine to balance out the caffeine content. This is effectively the human intervention equivalent for finding coffee stasis. I also recently heard cumin can basically do the same thing for foods that cause gas, which is VERY INTERESTING to me as someone who would one day like to eat a sunchoke again.