Friends you met out in the neighborhood at a bar or park or cafe or wherever a couple times and struck up a rapport with.
You don’t have eachother’s phone numbers, no social media info.
I have a couple friends like this and it’s been such a nice social change up. Always a pleasant surprise to bump into them out and about.
Some former mutuals have recently expressed their interest in getting to know me and it’s made me feel really good about myself! one was a match on a dating app (😽) and one was a spontaneous invite to a group hang that has now blossomed into several other hangs both independently and in a group setting. It feels nice to have irl people say “hey i’d like to get to know you better,” especially since i made it a goal to seek intimacy and connection more this summer. ♥️♥️♥️
I love basing my friendships around things I like to do, and having an allocated person to do that with, also having a process / routine that this thing happens around. Like a tiny religious procession of two.
E.g. : one friend is my coffee and a walk friend, another is a person I only exclusively hang out with to eat tacos once a month, a third friend to only go to cinema screenings with, another friend will join me for exercise classes and we usually get dinner afterwards.
I like this approach to friendship in general because it’s less pressure to have to come up with new things to do, and if you stagger time well then you always have things to do and people to see.
Get a haircut, get rid of some clothes you haven’t worn in years, get a new houseplant, get in touch with the changing season, get grounded, get stoned, get in touch with some old friends, get some ice cream, get going
Maybe not *the best* but it was certainly one of the more enjoyable movie theater experiences I’ve had. December 2019, went to a 6pm weekday showing on a whim after a friend called me to see if I could go. I knew next to nothing about the plot, didn’t realize the whole thing would be in black and white and screened in an almost-square aspect ratio, yet was enthralled for every second of it.
Turned out to be the last movie I saw in theaters pre-pandemic.