i am morally opposed to the idea of commodifying all your hobbies, but i love to live in my imaginary world in which i do. nothing better than a long voice note session back and forth with a friend saying “i have a new side business for us.”
we love to go through everything from name, vibe, how we’ll make money and who is our audience. we have no interest in how we will acquire money to start this because we know we never will. it’s a fleeting moment of creativity in which you can imagine living out the unattainable dream of harmonious shared work with your best friend.
this idea is never visited again until something similar is likely created after which you and your friends can claim that you were almost definitely overheard by your fbi agent on your phone or the girl sitting next to you in the cafe. this person, of course, copied your brilliant idea and you plan to sue, another thing you’ll never do but have fun imagining. friends are magic.