have met a lot of cool artists and idiots lately by occasionally dropping the customer service voice and just talking to the cool freaks coming in for their daily coffee
okay this has been cool for me because
- i have somewhere to go to when i am bored with my work from home setup
- i have the privilege of taste testing their new stuff
- they give me free shit lmao
- we can share our cool hobbies/interests
- we get to talk about the craft which they're so passionate about or just have a wholesome conversation
it's really sweet now whenever i walk into the caffe nero next to my job they're all like hey meera london fog today? and i'm like hey guys yes please thx love u!!! i even got a free muffin the other day. it’s so awesome
wong kar-wai’s work is really beautiful and atmospheric you should check him out if you haven’t, i haven’t seen all his stuff but ive really loved what i have seen especially in the mood for love.