Maybe it's good that one social media site can be a completely depraved non-stop ad experience so that you can keep your shameless professional self-promotion confined to that platform. I haven't used it much so haven't thought about this until now.
LinkedIn hangs in this weird Internet purgatory of not-quite-a-social-app and not-quite-just-a-work one. Whenever posts/content swing too far in one direction that just feel out of place. The only way to combat this is to speak like yourself. How would you tell your friend about the cool thing you did at work or whatever. That platform needs more humanity and less "my three year old loves business and just ran the Q1 numbers..."
I thought I was going to be one of the lucky ones who would never need LinkedIn. Well I am on it now and I only have 13 connections and I feel like the biggest loser in the app 😃
At the risk of sounding like a crusty old codger, it's a bad development that lots of people nowadays talk at full volume and can't get off their phones in the theater. However laughing, crying, and shrieking–these are actually good.