sometimes people have hidden troubles and they can come off rude, and sometimes they’re just a snot. either way the cliche “kill them with kindness” applies here and even if they don’t brighten up, it feels good to know you were the nice person in the interaction.
just ranting after my serving shift lol
my favorite album front to back. just… haunting. the eponymous song is my favorite singer songwriter track ever recorded. closing verse on “open all night” some of the dirtiest bars ever spit
the range between existential hope and practical despair is what i am most attracted to here
i do my heaviest weight lifting in my nebraska crop top
for fans of the album, have you read “heart of darkness” by david burke? details the album’s place in greater folk history/bruce’s arc
hands down favorite bar in ny. $8 wine, breakfast till midnight, not over exploited/crowded, never understaffed. just crushed chickpea soup and steak sandwich and salad, reading my book, shawty on her way, happy weekend