just something i've been doing lately and haven't always done and am enjoying .. makes ur jaw look better and is a nice respite from say...smoking or vaping (mint flavor only and sugar free obviously)
I chew on my lips, on my cheeks, and since I stopped smoking my nails. I chew a lot of gum to try and mitigate the impulse but I often do it unconsciously 🙃
just cut a clove up small and swallow with water like a pill.. helps ward off basically any cold i've ever started to get and works every time/i do it all winter when i'm not even sick too just in case (pretty sure God invented garlic to be a straight up medicine what a blessing that it's also yum for cooking huh)
my brothers gf recently got him this one from this korean brand musinsa standard it's cheap asf and is like a rly good shape and actually nice .. probably get an XL because she got him a large and the sleeves r just like a tinyyy bit short (he is same size as u and me)