thus far my “all-nighter” as the kids like to call em has proven successful…i made it to the 24 hour coffee stand. my drink is bitter, i can feel a couple hairs growing on my chest. I just might make it past 6am. Almost referenced Chris Chan referencing Star Trek but it’s for the best that I didn’t. the moon’s sitting pretty, and her allure nearly tricked me into getting my fix from DENNY’s..if only to add a little mischief to my night, by reason of staying out longer. Though im allowed to. I’m a big kid, I drive a car. but I nearly fell victim to that heavenly body and her treacherous spell..dennys has piss-thin coffee, and no crepes. I can’t commit adultery in my diner-marriage to ihop.. besides, my lil piece on the side is a role reserved for shari’s.. I’m listening to hatebreed. I like it when he yells .