I‘m so happy the tinned fish trend shows no signs of stopping because it’s a a fun way to try more seafood and you get your omega-3s in. But tuna is still my favorite despite the mercury risks. I like the Callipo brand but anything packed in oil and not Bumble Bee is fine. I put it on everything- pasta, salads, toast. I used to think I didn’t like tuna but it turns out I didn’t like mayonnaise! Try it!
Tyler posted about egg salad and it got me thinking...I love tuna so much. Everyday for lunch in preschool I would whip up those StarKist tuna salad and cracker kits. Adding all of my packets and making the perfect sandwich. I recently tried the Bumble Bee one for the first time and its not too bad.
completely different experience than canned tuna in water, it will elevate anything you eat it with, honestly you could eat it out of the can like a cat
It’s like tuna but better for you and the environment! Low mercury, high protein, high omega-3, 70% DV of Vit D! it’s basically a meal, it’s like $3/tin (don’t get a cool brand just get classic sustainably caught like Wild Planet brand).
It feels really nice to be able to contribute the things you think and feelings you feel and better yet, be part of a conversation online without judgement or nasty replies.
I prefer the heft and crispy exterior of cake doughnuts to raised. It makes me sad that doughnut shops will only have 1-2 cake options and they aren’t as exciting as the others.
And a Dunkin’ chocolate glazed has never failed me. The slight bitterness of the cocoa is nice with all the sugary goodness.
Get some green cardamom pods and rose petals (Indian markets often stock comically large packages of these for cheap). Break the pods open a bit and simmer in milk of your choice (or water if you just want a tea) for like half an hour maybe? That seems right. Or more. Add some cocoa powder if you like. Strain and enjoy.