- have a firm handshake. this is an unspoken way that a lot of self-indulged men like to measure themselves up against the person they have just met. don’t me afraid to squeeze their hands.
- as dangerous as the “ask for forgiveness, not permission“ saying is, sometimes it is necessary as the older generation of men don’t want to hear what you have to say.
- dress appropriately and conservatively, it is the only way to be taken seriously
- stop apologising, because they don’t.
- don’t let yourself be interrupted, call them out and declare that you haven’t finished speaking.
- learn about their hobbies, it helps to appeal to their broad interests to strengthen your bond, because you need to make your mark (f1, golfing, etc)
- don’t be afraid to lean into your femininity, the older men sometimes crumble when you bat your eyes a little and are more likely to agree or listen to what you have to say (unfortunately, but consider it a super power)