If you’re waiting for some cute PI tees…they’ll be delivered to you soon! 😍
I added a few fun gifts with purchase, and of course, a sweet thank you note 🤭💘
I love looking through recs and finding products that would make great Christmas gifts.
I know it feels too soon…but it’s only two months away!!!
i love giving gifts and presents and i will often order little surprises to arrive to my friends in faraway cities. my friend in studio city will receive her plushy anthropomorphized clementine today via DHL.
even stickers or pictures are so fun!! it is fun to send off a lil something and have the delayed gratification of them receiving it in a few days. so lovely! so cute!
We woke up to so many new users on the app today!! 🥹 Can’t wait to connect with everyone. Pleaseee leave a comment on here saying hi and maybe a few things about yourself; whatever you’re comfortable with. Love y’all 😘💘