during covid i started a personal newsletter just amongst me and some pals of mine and iv been doing it ever since. it mostly consists of digital collages - just a whole bunch of images iv been looking at and blocks of text iv been reading layered on top of one another… sometimes i‘ll throw in a little comic i drew :) it’s fun !
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Jan 26, 2024

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last year for lent, me and two pals decided to send each other daily emails. we kept up with it for like 2 months and then got busy and it got sporadic but as of today i have come out of email retirement and we are So Back!!! there is absolutely no dopamine hit from social media that can compare to the excitement felt upon seeing a piping hot, fresh email from a loved friend at the top of your inbox. and writing your own emails? impeccable. like morning pages but on the other end is someone who loves you and who has their own lovely pages to share. it’s such a gorgeous way to find a little time for intentional reflection each day, and to deepen your bond with yourself and some precious people.
May 19, 2024
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No more texting! No more IG reels or TikTok’s! Send your friends long-winded emails once or twice a week with links to interesting / funny things you found online that week. Send them what you’re listening to. Send them meandering thoughts on whatever you want! It’s so nice to get one of these and know the other person put so much care and effort into it. (See also: letters)
Feb 21, 2024

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today i volunteered to cook and distribute with food not bombs, an org that’s been around since the 80s. they got their start doing anti war protests in massachusetts + giving out vegan meals to those in need and now there are chapters everywhere !!! look them up to see if they’re operating in your area. i just happened upon them last week in the park and asked how to get involved then i got added to a group chat :) everyone was super welcoming it was a really great atmosphere and it felt super rewarding to help out. you don’t have to cook they’ve got other sorts of jobs too if you’re not super into cutting vegetables all day :3
Feb 5, 2024
this only works if it's a party you didn't want to go to in the first place so you are immune to fomo... there's something special about just staying at home and smoking and playing your music aloud on the speaker without having to worry about curating songs that make you seem like less of a ridiculous person...
Jan 28, 2024
this may take a little bit more preparation than just grabbing stuff out of the fridge but just toast whatever bread, spread butter and a little bit of miso paste on it and drizzle with honey ! all there is to it :)
Jan 31, 2024