What’s That? Oh, we both love steely dan and hate cyclists that wear the little outfits ? (Not bc we hate the fit- we do, we just hate that they give you a dirty look when they roll through a stop sign and it‘s your turn to drive more) it starts with you liking one of my recs (obviously), then, feeling generous, I like one of yours that’s either a micro-complaint or link to a specific, hard-to-find performance of an ethereal 70s jazz singer. We follow each other back and… the rest is history as they say… And by history I mean we dm on Instagram nightly until eventually we meet people that live on our own coasts and our flirtation becomes merely a memory But a beautiful one at that
Jan 26, 2024

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Top Recs from @cowgurlclaire

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Every time I enter into some kind of emotional spiral (good or bad, lol!) I make one of these. Or when I want to organize my thoughts around a creative project, or just for ~funsies~ (🤮) I love collaging but I don’t always have the resources or energy to make a physical one and once you get the hang of it, this is a super easy way to do it!!
Feb 28, 2024
Mar 9, 2024
I think anyone who lives in America needs to watch this!! not even being hyperbolic lol basically follows an evangelical ministry camp for kids that tries to mold the younger generations into being “an army for god.” This was filmed when george w. bush was president and really helps contextualize our current political landscape and how much religion (especially evangelical christianity!) plays a role in it it’s also just superrrr interesting to see young kids be “moved by the spirit” and see religious and political propaganda happening in real time idk!
Jan 30, 2024