About thirty second after I took this I offered some of my instant “Cuban Style Rice and Beans” to the one on the end. It’s got banana in it. I always forget that she’s allergic to bananas, because like that’s a really dumb allergy. She said “I’m allergic to banana.” WOW. DID NOT SEE THAT COMING.
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Jan 26, 2024

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I have been made aware of the banana discourse so this is my rec. I’m actually slightly allergic to bananas and they make my throat scratchy and one time after I ate a whole one I had to lie down for 30 minutes because it felt like there was a bowling ball in my chest =/ But I learned when you cook/ process fruits their enzymes break down and change and so I’m not allergic to dried or cooked bananas ;) so not a total loss!!!
Feb 11, 2025
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I loved bananas, specifically strawberry banana smoothies, but they make my gums and tongue tingle. i spent 20+ years of my life thinking they just did that to everyone. One day I ate one and noticed it was tingling a bit more than usual. I looked it up and turns out bananas are NOT supposed to make your mouth feel like an old TV screen. i can eat banana bread though bc it bakes out the enzyme I’m allergic to. Even if it didn’t id still eat it. Fuck it, we ball.
Feb 11, 2025
i used to fucking HATE bananas, mostly for the texture. they way they were mushy and had stuff that felt like hair on it always freaked me out. but now that ive grown a bit i've learned to love them. theyre a wonderful snack thats easy to eat, and they taste delicious in baked goods. you can find me absolutely DESTROYING a banana nut muffin at any given hour. loving seeing the banana discourse, its healing my soul.
Feb 11, 2025

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THIS SHIT IS INSANE!!!! I miss the 90s n McQueen n Tom Ford n shit and I was not alive in the 90s. I wasn’t even alive on 9/11. Connor Roy would avoid me, because he’d ask “where were you on 9/11?” And I would say “I was in the water, Connor. I was trapped between the atoms of the air you breathe,” and then because of his omnipresent daddy issues he’d tell me he was interested in politics from a very age. Oh well.
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