One day i will create a breathtaking artwork that will tell the story of my life in a way which retroactively makes every cringe thing I ever did non-cringe in a way by redeeming it through some transformative narrative structure. then i will finally be safe to expose the truth of my journey to the world
Jan 27, 2024

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I’m Literally 28 years old but this morning I got up early to go to the bookshop before work so I could pick up a copy of Onyx Storm which was released today. Idk why I expected to be the only one but there was a bunch of other girls already there all just as excited about it as i was. I didn’t know any of them and will probably never see them again but we all shared that little moment in the book shop then all went our seperate ways to go and enjoy the same story and idk that really got me. One girl even said “enjoy your copy” as she left which honestly made my day. Anyway the moral of this story is to live your life being as cringey and nerdy as you want to be because I nearly didn’t go thinking it was kind of a lame thing to do and maybe it was but it also brightened up an otherwise boring January Tuesday 🖤
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