Have you achieved revenge? Not the loud kind you want, but the quiet kind that exceeds your expectations in every imaginable way.
Jan 27, 2024

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a timeless emotion and a moral duty embrace it and set your soul free
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what could be better? the rush of battle, the warmth of blood, the taste of victory. your opponent lies still in a slurry of blood, sweat, and mud. the world is a little better off than it was mere moments ago.
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Out of all the proverbial dicks to suck in your music career, none is more virulent and diseased than that of your ostensible “peers.” Wisdom says to be a good writer you must read, but to be a good artist or musician I think this advice is actually toxic and creativity destroying. Words written are like an instrument to be mastered, a writer more an instrumentalist than a composer. To be a composer is to arrange and order those instruments into harmonious totality. To be a producer is to create. Spotify is a poisonous psyop for producers that teaches sonic compliance and algorithmic servitude designed to place an artist’s work “in conversation with” every other artist and flatten creative expression into that which can be easily understood and categorized.  We are contemporaneously trapped in a nostalgic death spiral for producers that is driven by a desperate quest for influence and the merciless unyielding boot of software companies upon your neck hawking VST licensing so that you can sound like every other band. For what? So that nerds can argue where your sound sits in the tautology of electronic music production? When’s the last time an abletonpilled serum enjoyer wrote a catchy song that was not simply an incremental deviation from the last one? Your unique voice will die a painful and uncelebrated death in the trenches of influence, which is why I recommend steering as clear of it entirely. If you are a good producer you only listen to your own music, because that’s the music you want to hear.
Nov 15, 2023
Imagine this: the white rocks in your mouth are actually alive and filled with soft pulp and blood. Then, they are excluded from your medical “insurance” (a type of grocery store shopping rewards card) and siloed into a special category along with your eyes (soft balls that help you see.) Still with me? Now, imagine that if anything goes wrong with the rocks, your yearly rewards card funbucks allotment covers about 1/3 of the treatment cost, leaving you to figure out to cover the remainder, as well as any future operations. This is just one important step in how the American is honed and perfected, a process that transmutes time and labor into hardened epoxy teeth and muscular, bloodshot eyes. Physical health? That’s gonna cost ya. Archetypical perfection? Priceless.
Dec 12, 2023
Today is DOOM’s 30th birthday, and the real gift is knowing that I got to meet some of my oldest online friends (~20 years) in person at QuakeCon a few months ago. Nothing like it.
Dec 10, 2023