AKA, what would happen if the special effects team wrote, directed, and edited an entire movie.
Jan 27, 2024

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I watched this on Sunday because people said it's similar to Repo Man and They Live. They were on point- this movie also rips. I have listened to way more albums than I've watched movies in my lifetime, but now I'm convinced that I should have been watching more movies all along. Also, I might start talking like Kurt Russell in this movie sometimes. Sorry to my loved ones in advance.
Apr 16, 2024
Written and directed by Charlie Day, his first credit as director. What appears to be just another gang gang romp ends up being a surprisingly sophisticated and watchable film. Charlie Day plays a character called Latte Pronto who says no more than five words the whole film. It's not a silent film, but Charlie Day is largely silent. So the tribute to Charlie Chaplin can't be ignored, nor can the Lynchian critique of Los Angeles and the New Wave-inflected pacing and edit. It's billed as a comedy, but that's almost a Shakespearean category here. Some of the shots are way more beautiful than a movie directed by Charlie Day needed to be. It feels the only authentic Hollywood products these days are the movies about making movies (forgive me, but I thought Babylon was OK until they obviously started running out of ideas...) and in the case of Fool's Paradise, there's a really engrossing postmodern thing happening stylistically: time has collapsed. Ken Jeong plays a desperate never-was; Kate Beckinsale, hotter than ever, sells her character exactly too much. A pretty vicious George Lopez dig turns out to be (according to the credits) a hint to an easter egg.
Nov 16, 2023
holy fuck. this movie is out of control. the lead belongs in a porno. everything explodes. bikers. leather. mafia. main guy has a monitor lizard and embodies fake cool so beautifully. every actor in this movie put their whole pussy into it aside from the main guy, and its hilarious.

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You know the type. Spring-loaded hammer cracking eggs, pancake conveyor belt, robot arm catapulting bacon… The wacky inventor movie archetype peaked in the ‘90s and has since all but disappeared from the cinemascape. Notable in the tradition: Flubber, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Pewee’s Big Adventure, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Throw one on while you make your weekend eggies you won’t regret it
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It's pretty fast and energy efficient. A better way to travel imo if only the world could accept it
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“Who is this?” “Do you know them?” “Why are they standing like that?” Start at the beginning. Patiently peel back the layers one by one — it may take 30 minutes or more. At the end they will answer  “oh, ok, that’s weird.” it was all worth it
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