That game sucks and people get so sweaty over it.
Why can’t we just enjoy each others company, drink a little wine, and listen to a good album?
Colonialism the Game is not where it’s at.
Settlers of Catan is an absolute must-have on tour. We pass the time in green rooms by playing a little game or two ;) We like to set the scene with a nice warm Guinness, mood lighting, and playing a little bardcore (medieval renditions of contemporary music). Pro tip: while brick and wood are important resources to have in the beginning of the game, you’re going nowhere if you don’t have a good hay or ore supply.
i love settlers of catan give it a go it takes a long time but my girlfriend and i play it a lot. the app is clunky and buggy and gross but cool, still.
or any board game turned app, really. its a good way to kill larger amounts of time and with long rounds there’s not any instant gratification. strategy games work your brain, too! i try to play a game of catan/ticket to ride/monopoly in the mornings instead of getting on reels or even PI right away. it makes me slow down and it puts my brain into gear, + i feel productive instead of gross and sluggish like i would post-reels.
No reading feels better than reading done in avoidance.
Reading that happens in desperate spurts
fueled by the reality of obligations
that hinge on closed pages.
Reading to spite your boss
is richer than
reading that happens
when you should be asleep.
Playing Axel F’s “Crazy Frog” in delicate moments is a power move that should not be taken lightly.
Places to consider:
-a packed elevator
-liquor store checkout line
-dentist’s office waiting room
-funeral processions, generally
-at the nail salon
-during zoom therapy
-entries r quick
-do, eat, buy, forget
-form over function
- *redacted*
-film you’ll never watch
-vague question
-zyrtec, eye drops, sunscreen
-accidental poetry happens in every list you make