A lost art to many young people. Streaming fatigue claims millions of lives every year, let somebody else choose the music for a while! In my first year living in a new city it’s been a great way to feel a bit more local as well, my favorite LA stations are KJAZZ 88.1 and KXLU 88.9. It’s so fun to flip through the airwaves and just listen to a bit here and there, not having to commit to anything or think about it too hard.
Jan 28, 2024

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Recently, my car's aux finally broke for good, so while I wait to replace it, I've been listening to my local alternative radio station. The traffic report is super helpful and I love my DJs!! Like, these are people in my community that have been on the air for at least 10+ years and I love that I can trust them. Sometimes I'll tune in and it's really not my thing but then the next song is so near and dear to my heart. Maybe it's because my friend's mom would pick us up either blasting Kendrick's DAMN or 92 The ZEW, but it's such a nice nostalgic feeling for me. It's crazy to tune into the radio and hear the same voice introduce the same song that I heard ten years ago with my bestie. So try pausing your playlist and let the DJs guide you next time you buckle up.
Jan 3, 2025
Great way to expand your horizons musically. I get trapped in my own wheelhouse a lot, so it’s nice to hear stuff from completely out of the algorithmically generated left field. Highly curated all vinyl shows helmed by gray haired disk jockeys prone to rambling. Or mumbly college kids hooking their phones up to play from their playlists. Its nice. Adds a neat local flavor to life too. Won tickets to see Thundercat via a KXLU sweepstakes. Called immediately after and won tickets to see KAYTRANADA. Nobody else called in I guess.
Mar 7, 2024
- less decision making - pushes you to hear something different - it’s live so you get to hear people talk it’s cute you feel like you’re with them - curated vibe for the time of day - but also love trying radio stations from around the world (try the app radio garden, an 85 year old at my job showed it to me)
Feb 10, 2024

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