we all have too many water bottles and other vessels for consuming liquid, i know i do. see how long the ones you have will last you, make it a little challenge, pass it down to your grandkids. f#%* it, anything can be an heirloom
one of my worst traits as of late has been purchasing a huge bottle of water (often fiji) and drinking it throughout the day
i used to fill my nalgene like a good boy but ive been doing this a lot recently. i dont know why but the water hits harder.
i'm sorry
i think the act of physically feeding someone is really sweet and intimate. it doesn’t even have to be romantic even platonically it’s a very cute gesture pls feed someone :3
i told him i worked in a labour and delivery unit and he said it must be annoying to work with pregnant women. we walked aimlessly for 6.5 km. he bought me a slushie though